I'm just going to be honest and throw something out here...before I got pregnant I thought pregnancy cravings were a bunch of hokey. (yes, that word is hokey...like in the hokey pokey. I have a very refined vocabulary)
I knew that they were real, but I didn't think they could be so random and so very I HAVE TO HAVE IT THIS VERY SECOND OR I WILL NOT SURVIVE like.
My very first pregnancy craving hit in the middle of Wal-Mart. I had run in to buy some apples for a taste test we were going to be doing in class the next day and somehow happened upon the pickle isle. Suddenly I felt as if I needed to have those pickles and I needed them right that second. I snatched up a jar and purchased them along with a few other things. Now, here is where the story takes a turn...
When I got into my car I realized that I was still thinking about those pickles. So obviously-I turned on the car, grabbed the jar, opened it and sat right there in that parking lot and ate devoured 3 pickles. It may have been a low point in my life. I mean for Heavens sake! My house was 15 minutes down the road!
My pickle obsession continued on until a few weeks later I took it to the next level. Ryan walked in the kitchen to find me doing this:
Drinking the juice.
I wish I could say this was a one time occurrence, but sadly I have done this several more times. #sorrynotsorry
This past weekend I came face to face with my problems when I moved a few things around in the refrigerator only to find that I had four jars! I think somewhere there is a rule stating that if you have more than two jars of pickled objects in your refrigerator you are either a redneck or have an obsession. I'll stick with the latter.
Y'all are just gonna have to love me through it.
Best thing ever. At least it's a vegetable. I ate hamburgers with Radley and I'm just now losing that weight! ;)